July 16, 2011- YOU’RE WHAT?!?!

My dearest child,

Early this morning your mom called me upstairs to show me a little stick that had a “+” on it. When I got to the top of the stairs she had a look of wonder and shock on her face and I am sure my face showed similiar feelings! It has always been my dream to write to you and tell you all of the feelings and emotions that I am going through. I also write this blog so that the world may know how much I instantly loved you and how that love grew. You are an undeserved gift from God and I am truly humbled and thankful that he trusted me enough to love and care for you.

My child, it is truly amazing! When you appeared as a cross on that test, the amount of love I had for you was overwhelming! So many wonderful emotions filled my heart and I went downstairs and had myself a little cry. I already feel you in my heart and soul and there is nothing you could EVER do in life that would make me love you less.

There are so many things I want to teach you. I pray that our relationship be filled with love and friendship. I pray that you grow to love the Lord with all your heart and build a life of servitude to Him. I pray that you love and honor your family, no matter what we may do to make you mad 🙂 I pray that you you advocate for others and never succomb to peer pressure to mistreat others. My child I pray that your work ethic be uncomprable and that you never cease working to improve yourself.

My child you are coming into a life filled iwth people who love you dearly. Very few know your existence at this moment except your grandparents. Grandpa Kevin was shocked… but the excitement in his voice was overwhelming! We drove to Springfield to tell Grandpa Grant and Grandma Barbara in person. We filled baby bottles with their favorite candies and put them in a bag. I will say this… they didn’t get the message until mommy told them, “you are going to be grandparents”! Grandpa Grant just about fell out of his chair with excitement… and it was possibly the first time since I have known him that he didn’t respond with a question…. but his next words were “Grant sounds like a nice name for a baby”.

I am BEYOND excited for your arrival 🙂

About jasonafrantz

How do you change the world? That's what I wake up and ask myself every day. Is it through something I say to my boys? To my wife? Something I say or do at work? Who I vote or root for? This blogs shares some simple thoughts on parenting, marriage, leading at work, faith, and the little things we can all do to make the world half full instead of half empty.

Posted on July 31, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Congrats to the both of you, I hope all your wishes and dreams are fulfilled

  2. Love the concept of the blog!

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